4.15.2009 | Hauptbahnhof, Reichstag, Potsdamer Platz, Kreuzberg


Impossible to describe the day for all the distance traveled. I can say that Preacher was dead on when he said that no other city juxtaposes old and new like Berlin. At every step, we saw mindblowing modern structures smashed up against and integrated seamlessly with surviving structures. I thought of bad copies in North American and in Asia and wondered why, in those places, daring architecture often looks out of date upon completion or out of place.

In our neighborhood and in Kreuzberg, some old buildings are pockmarked from WWII bullet fire. It is eerie, but a wonder.

We spent a lot of time walking among the cubes at the Holocaust Museum. Something about the design abated the sound such that people appeared as if from nowhere in the path in front of you and then disappeared again. You saw them only fleetingly, as they saw you.