
Let me bring you up to speed:

The statistics class ended in flames. One of the final exams left more than one person in tears and prompted a written apology from the professor. He had designed a test that required us to do hand calculations we’d never had to do before. Three hours after the exam began, half the class was still working. I knew I failed it and wrote a long note on the front of the packet protesting the irrelevant material. Others did similarly, I learned later from the letter of apology. He was sorry he hadn’t taught us what he thought he'd taught us, but he didn’t mention whether or not he would alter the grade structure in any way. The next day I turned in the other exam feeling discouraged and angry and ready to just kiss off the whole quarter. I was thinking that taking the class was a giant waste of my time and money; that the toll exacted from staying in Seattle for it (as opposed to returning to Korea) is not yet measurable.

I wanted to celebrate the end and the leaving I was about to do; I wanted to drink a beer with a friend from the class, Angela. It was all set to happen as soon as I returned from returning my G-ma’s car to Bremerton. Angela said she could drive around the Sound with me and that it would be fun. Such a busy day, finishing up the final paper and buying all the things I needed for the trip before leaving town. It was late afternoon before we drove South; it was late evening by the time we reached Bremerton. There was a huge accident along the way that held us up for over an hour, such that by the time we got to G-ma’s we had to leave again for the ferry. We called a taxi but it never came. Eventually we approached some teenagers in a church parking lot and asked them for a lift. They were apprehensive, but agreed to do it. We made the ferry, but it was too late for beer when we got back. Both of us were carless but Angela had a friend who didn’t mind coming to the ferry terminal to take us home.

We did have fun on our little mis-adventure. She loves chocolate shake with fries like I do and we chatted chatted chatted all the way.
