Don't they look alike?



Hey! Where'd all those white spots come from? Blasted thing! Oh well, you get the idea.
The goal today was to get all the Rosa pictures scanned. It didn’t work out. There is a problem with the pictures because, well, they just suck. The final straw came when I got an error message stating cannot complete task because primary scratch disk is full. Cripes.

Just got a call from one of the apartment guards regarding some mail. I was hoping for the Amazon order that is a week overdue and was excited to see an Amazon box. Then I realized it was the Amazon box Mary used to pack my two roles of pictures she’d developed for me. It only took 5 days for that box to get here. Wow. That's almost like shipping something from Seattle to New York. Serious Pony Express. I’m happy, but still worried about the book order.

Something is just a little wrong with the pictures. They seem washed out and often just slightly out of focus. It’s hard to be experimental. I used Agfa 50 color print film and I guess I expected the prints to be more saturated. Instead, my bigass lens coupled with lax attention with the polarizing filter resulted in either slightly blurry shots (marginal shutter speed) or too much glare. Oh well.

Also in the mail came a letter from my uncle Kerry. I want to talk to him more, give him support. I wish I had the courage to tell him to take charge of his life. Ever since his break-up with my aunt, he has been only half as animated as the uncle I grew up with. At least he’s sending me letters. I’m glad at that.

He sent me a couple pictures of my cousin John’s kid, Anne. Aunt May says she looks a lot like me but I think she’s a dead ringer for a friend of mine from Jr High, Renee. Renee and I are no longer friends. Don’t know what happened. I think it was that shifting group thing that happens from Jr High to High School. *shrug* I don’t know. Funny thing is that she still sends X-mas cards to my G-ma, but not to me. Hm. Last year she sent a picture of her family. My G-ma sent it to me and I decided to write to Renee. She never wrote back. I don’t understand.

Going to a party tonight. I will be missing the X-Files and, no, we don’t have a VCR. The party promises to be strange: My friend Catherine and some of her other friends will gather around and listen to a young Korean pop band wail away on a borrowed Karoake machine at someone’s apartment in UN Village. Oh, it will definitely be strange. Seems the budding rock star and her friends are manicurists by day. They do Catherine’s nails. Don't quit your day job! hehe. :)
future past