1.9.2006 | Dumb luck ![]()
It's long, hard raining in heavy sopping thuds on saturated earth. It's been doing this for days. The urban surface is so chapped and cracked it falls away from itself to bottomless holes that, even from infinity, fail to contain the constant rain. We encounter them as puddles and shudder to find abysses claiming ankles and rims. Besides that, if you’re careful, it's wonderful when you're inside and surprisingly not so bad outside in it. All kinds of things were shorting today. Miscommunications, mis-saves, missing things you're sure were there. In my small circles, people felt betrayed and people didn't show. I heard a fiber optic cable got clipped, that someone couldn't get to work because of a mudslide. I told a coworker that I love the unpinnable forces of lucky and unlucky on a world of things. He said he has only started to believe in the concept of karma as it relates to his actions. Specifically that when he is bad bad things happen. That is not much of anything but self-oppression. I prefer to think of lucky and unlucky as a cellular automaton: That all things operate in some simple way to create complex tides of luck and unluck. What if by wearing red or sticking dots to our ears we could influence the tide?